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Category: Blogs

  • An elderly couple enjoying an outdoor walk holding water bottles. Text promotes summer activities for seniors and provides information about Metro elder care services.

    Summer Fun for Seniors

    July 22, 2024
    Exciting Events and Activities for Seniors To Enjoy Summer is the perfect time for seniors to get out, enjoy the…
  • Woman assisting an elderly man using a laptop with text overlay: "Thinking about becoming a home health care aid for an aging parent? Find out more in this article!" Logo of "metro elder care" at top right.

    Helping Seniors Age in Place

    July 8, 2024
    Getting Paid to Become a Home Health Aide to Your Loved One As our population ages, many families are considering…
  • An elderly woman with white hair rides a bicycle down a gravel path towards a body of water, wearing a red dress.

    Summer Advice for Seniors

    June 26, 2024
    As we age, our bodies become less efficient at regulating temperature, making seniors particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. According to…
  • Four older adults, wearing casual outdoor clothing and backpacks, sit together outdoors with mountains in the background, smiling and talking to each other.

    Longevity & Health for Seniors

    May 30, 2024
    Celebrating Older Americans Month This month is a great time to reflect on the importance of longevity and health for…
  • A hand places a puzzle piece labeled "Medicaid" into a puzzle, illuminated by blue light.

    Navigating Medicaid Recertifications

    May 17, 2024
    A Vital Guide for Maintaining Benefits As the landscape of Medicaid recertifications continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest…
  • An elderly woman with white hair sits at a breakfast table, while a younger woman in the background cleans a window.

    Spring Cleaning 101

    April 18, 2024
    Top Ways to Organize & Clean Your Senior’s Home As the vibrant colors of spring begin to bloom outside, it's…
  • Elderly couple laughing together on a couch; the woman, in a pink blouse, stands behind the man, who is seated, holding a tablet.

    Embracing the Pot of Gold

    March 26, 2024
    Embracing the Pot of Gold This month is a perfect time to reflect on the many reasons why seniors are…
  • Smiling adult woman sits next to an elderly woman in a wheelchair.

    Who Qualifies for Medicaid?

    February 7, 2024
    Understanding eligibility. Medicaid is a vital healthcare program designed to provide financial assistance for medical expenses to individuals and families…
  • A nurse sitting on a sofa holds hands with an elderly woman in a bright living room, engaging in a conversation.

    Foundational Questions About Medicaid Planning

    February 7, 2024
    Here’s what many people ask first. How do I apply for Medicaid Assistance?The process to apply for Medicaid assistance is…
  • An elderly man in a blue shirt and a woman in a pink blouse conversing, sitting on wooden chairs against a white background.


    February 7, 2024
    The Minimum You Should Know about Medicaid Our baseline answers to keep you informed on some of the most frequently…