When gathering the documentation needed to apply for Medicaid be sure to make copies of all of your documents that are applicable.
Important: Do not give any originals and do not use staples to keep papers together.
Below is an initial list of what you need to apply
Identification: (For Both Applicant & Spouse)
1) Medicare Card & Social Security Card
2) Proof of Citizenship: Birth Certificate, Passport or Baptismal Certificate (within 5 months of birth), Certificate of Naturalization, Visa, or Alien Registration Card
3) Marriage Certificate, Divorce Papers and Death Certificate
4) Military Discharge Papers if applicable
5) Picture ID – Driver’s License or passport even if it has expired
6) Power of Attorney
Health Insurance: Needed Every January (For Both Applicant & Spouse)
1) Medicare Card & Social Security Card
2) Proof of Citizenship: Birth Certificate, Passport or Baptismal Certificate (within 5 months of birth), Certificate of Naturalization, 1) Secondary Health Insurance card – copy of front & back of card
2) Proof of the current premium paid (payment stub or bill). Auto deductions from a bank account are not accepted.
3) Prescription card – copy of front & back of card and proof of premium paid. Auto deductions from a bank account are not accepted.

1) Deed to Property ownership – current and changed or co-op share certificate(s)
2) Mortgage/Equity LIne Payments and/or Maintenance Payments
3) Copy of rental lease or rental stub
4) Property/school taxes & home owners insurance bills
Income: Needed Every January (For Both Applicant & Spouse In The Year Applying)
1) Social Security Check, Railroad Retirement, SSI, SSD, VA Benefits
2) Copy of current Social Security Award Letter
3) Pension Check and/or stub or letter from the pension company verifying the gross monthly income, any deductions, and net amount received
4) IRA and Annuity distributions – changed to medicaid maximum payout status
5) Any other source of Income including: ALL RENTAL INCOME and loan repayments (promissory note agreements)
Assets: (For Both Applicant & Spouse)
1) All Account/Assets- Checking, Savings, IRA, CD’s, Money Market, Investments, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds etc. All pages of every statement even if it is blank for 3 months for home care OR 60 months for Nursing Home applicants.
2) Gift Accounts- accounts monies were transferred TO showing owner’s name, account number, dates and amount of deposit. Copies of deposit slips are not accepted.
3) Life Insurance- current Face & Cash Value Statement. Letter form insurance company stating number of stock shares owned as well as the current value of stock, if applicable.
4) Federal Income Tax Returns- the current tax return including all 1099’s for Community Home Care. If applying for a nursing home, copies of Tax Returns from the last 5 years, including all 1099 forms. If the applicant has not filed Income Tax Returns we need transcripts from the IRS that the applicant has not filed taxes in the previous 5 years along with all 1099’s from each of those years.
5) Motor vehicle registration, title, insurance policy.