Flowers are not the only thing blooming this spring.
Rejuvenation is in the air and there are many healthy ways to enjoy the change of the seasons. This month we share some of the best tips for a healthy spring.
Get Outside & Garden
Gardening can bring a number of health benefits both mentally and physically. Getting outside in the fresh air, hearing the birds chirp, and watching the flowers bloom can be calming as an hour of mediation. For your body, working in the garden can improve your flexibility and strength as you plant that next row of geraniums and water the vegetable patch.

An All-Year-Round Tip – Drink Water
Dehydration can cause fatigue, not to mention negatively impact your concentration and memory. As we age, our ability to notice thirst may decrease, so watch your water intake and regularly sip as you go. The general rule is to shoot for eight cups of water per day (not counting your morning coffee). Choose water with lemon, or herbal tea to keep your body running optimally.
Spring Allergies … Right Back Aaaah-Choooo!
If you are allergic to grasses or pollen, springtime can be tough.
Make sure you keep an eye on the weather and the allergy predictions for the day. Treat accordingly to ensure you don’t feel get too uncomfortable or develop breathing problems, sinus infections, or a tough-to-get-over spring cold.
Taking allergy treatments proactively may be an option for you but be sure to consult your doctor first.