Cold Weather Tips – Part 2
Last month we shared tips on avoiding hypothermia indoors, and this month we continue our tips and focus on what you can do to stay warm when you must be outside.
As a reminder, hypothermia happens when your body temperature gets to be 95°F degree or lower. This causes serious health issues such as heart attack, or kidney and liver damage. Staying warm when you are outside is key.

Here Are A Few Tips How To Do Just That.
1. Windy days can mean trouble for seniors as it can quickly lower your body temperature. When possible, avoid going out on windy days and try to stay indoors, if you must go out, make sure to bundle up!
2. Always make sure to check the forecast and dress for the weather you will be stepping out in.
3. Like your mom always told you, dress in layers of loose clothing as the air between each of the layers does a great job to help keep you warm.
4. You lose a tremendous amount of body heat from your neck and the top of your head, so cover up with a scarf and top it off with a hat.
5. Avoid getting damp or wet and wear a waterproof coat if it is snowing out.
Staying warm outdoors takes a bit of preparation and a good deal of common sense. Make sure that you and those that you love understand what is needed to stay warm and safe while we all wish for spring!
For more information or if we can help you in any way, contact us today.